

MGSA By Laws, Amended June 28, 2012


The name of the corporation shall be the Montgomery Girls Sports Association, Inc., (M.G.S.A). Its principle place of business shall be Montgomery County, Texas.



The MGSA shall have divisions of athletic play in softball.


Each athletic division may be affiliated with a national association governing the sport that is chosen by the MGSA membership.


Participation in competition is restricted to youths under the age of 18. No one over the age of 18 will participate in the competition at any time.



The objective of the MGSA shall be to conduct an athletic program for the youths in this community that implants firmly in the minds of the participants the ideals of sportsmanship, teamwork, honesty, loyalty, courage and reverence, so that they may be better community members and persons as a result of having participated.


The objectives will be attained by providing supervised athletic games. The supervisors shall bear in mind the primary objective is conducting a program for youth conductive to character and citizenship building and secondary to building athletes and winning games.



Any person interested in the promotion or encouragement of MGSA may become a member of the organization. The membership of the organization shall participate in and hold meetings as directed in Article V and elect the Board of Directors.


Voting membership shall be defined as any person who has attended either the annual meeting and has paid registration fees for sports participation.



Shall be made of voting members of the Board of Directors, which include the Executive Officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each shall serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors, with the exception of the Umpire-In Charge. Any Board officer shall be elected to serve more than one term.

To serve as a member of the Executive Officers a person must have served for one year as a member of the Board of Directors prior to being elected.


At the annual June meeting, the Board of Directors will be elected at large by the general membership for a term of two (2) years. An even year shall constitute even numbered seats; odd year shall constitute odd numbered seats.


If a board member does not attend and participate in the management of the league for the duration of their respective term they should respectfully resign their seat. Otherwise it is the duty of the remaining board members to call a vote in one of the regular, or called emergency, board meeting to seek such board members removal. The removal of the said board member will be effective at the time of the passing of a majority vote of the current board.

This newly elected Board shall elect its own Executive Officers. The new Board of Directors shall take office at the first available meeting held at the completion of the season and/or All-Star activities. The order in which the executive positions are to be elected are 1) President 2) Vice President 3)Treasurer 4)Secretary

Vacancies: If the office of any Director becomes vacant for any reason, the Board of Directors will nominate candidates who shall be selected to hold office for the unexpired term in respect to which such vacancy occurred. Such nominations must be ratified by a majority of the Board of Directors. Powers: The Board of Directors shall control and manage the affairs and funds of the organization. Registration fees shall be determined by the Board of Directors on a year to year basis. The Board of Directors may from time to time adopt such rules and regulations respecting the management of the affairs of the organization as shall be best suited in the judgment of the Board of Directors for accomplishing the purposes of the organization. League Player Agent: There shall be one (1) League Player Agent. The League Player Agent (LPA) shall be a member of the Board of Directors and shall be elected by the Board of Directors annually.

4. Division Coordinators: Are appointed by the Board of Directors to help divisions in all ways possible.


Meetings: Regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held once a calendar month. The annual meeting of the general membership shall be scheduled in June. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or in his/her absence, three (3) or more existing members of the Board. All meetings of MGSA shall be conducted by Robert’s Rules of Order. All items of business are to be placed on the agenda at least 72 hours before a meeting date.


Quorum: A simple majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board of Directors, with a majority of the quorum necessary to pass or defeat any issue unless otherwise state by these bylaws.


Discipline of Members, Officers and Directors: The Board may, by two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors, reject or remove a coach if his or her activities are not in accord with MGSA’s purpose or aims as set for in these bylaws. The coach in question shall be notified in writing of the nature of the complaint.

a. Any Officer or Director may be removed from office after three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from regular meetings of the Board of Directors. This action shall be taken only after counseling with the individual involved and after he/she has had the opportunity to be heard by the Board of Directors.

b. The Board of Directors may, by two thirds majority of the voting Directors, remove an Officer or Director for gross neglect of assigned duties or misconduct. This action shall be taken only after counseling with the individual involved and after he/she has had the opportunity to be heard by the Board of Directors.


1. These bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the members who are present at the general membership meeting, but no altercation shall be voted upon without public notice to the general membership and by publication in the local newspaper.

2. Under extenuating circumstances, the Board of Directors majority vote can change by-laws


September 17,1998, AMENDED ON December 1, 2000, June 12,2007, June 24, 2010 and July 10, 2018.