MGSA Exempt Purpose
As with all youth sports leagues, who are organized as a 501(c)(3) public charity, our primary exempt purpose is not the operation of such league but rather the fulfillment of our charitable and educational mandate through the game of softball.
We are supported through:
registration fees from our members
community support of fundraisers
sponsorships by local businesses
direct donations by caring individuals
a dedicated fleet of volunteers
Through our public mandate we strive to:
develop community leadership
reduce juvenile delinquency
teach moral awareness through friendly competition
fight childhood obesity
serve our community when able
seek to be inclusive of all eligible girls regardless of their physical, mental, social or economic limitations
Often times it is easy for all of us to forget these things but it takes each one of us to remind ourselves regularly. We all want to win when we compete, as we should, but we all have insure our focus is on these girls. We need to:
be consistent in how we teach and what they learn in the process
insure that achievement is recognized and rewards are earned
foster balance in our players lives to maintain focus on family and the value of education over sports
have fun and enjoy participation in our league
This a group effort and the obligation of every member in the organization. We want Montgomery Girls Sports Association to be the example others follow and an organization admired by our community.