All Star Committee
Chairperson: Eddie Winn
Committee Members: Open
Responsible to plan and coordinate All-Star team selection, guidelines and procedures for proposal to the Board of Directors for approval each year. Upon approval the committee is charged with carrying out the operations relating to that years All-Star teams.
Current Action Items:
Review guidelines regarding team sponsorships fundraising and accounting requirements
Establish and draft written team operations guides for MGSA Policy and Procedures Manual
Explore ideas relating to improving the "Starz" experience and make stride to insure consistency across all divisions
Next Committee Meeting: To Be Determined
Committee Vision: Establishing the "Starz" legacy both here locally and through-out the State Texas.
Committee Needs from Membership:
Volunteers with the "big picture" who seek to improve the MGSA Starz Program.
Committee Needs from Community:
A group of committed sponsors who see the value that MGSA delivers to the community each and every year through the Starz Program. Funding the opportunity to develop bonds in young ladies that can only come from hard work, perseverance, and a commitment to a team that only a post season tournament series can deliver.